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Thanks, Sherilyn & Kristine

June 8, 2009

Quite an adventure

We had quite an adventure with "CAE&C". "CA&E" are triplets about to turn 4 and "C" is their little sister who is 2. They were pretty comfortable with us because they are good friends of ours, but the usual environment is in a house full of kids and moms, so when they were alone with us we heard them talk more than we ever have before!

Big "C" told us all about their aunt's 'magic camera' (a polaroid camera!), we took a walk in the 'jungle' (on the boardwalk through the woods), saw a 'chickmunk' (a squirrel), had an encounter with a dragonfly that "E" was terrified of and little "C" tried to attack with a leaf to save "E" from it, and then we got stuck out in the rain! We were all the way at the end of the boardwalk when the dark clouds started rolling in. We heard some thunder and felt a few small drops so decided it was time to call it a day and head back. We were trying to gather the kids up quickly when big "C" asks, 'Is everything ok?' Poor thing- yes, everything's ok, just hurry up and run! :) We ended up calling their mom, "K" to come pick us all up. While waiting, we sat on the picnic bench singing 'Rain, Rain Go Away' and 'It's Raining, It's Pouring'.

Yes- we had a fun-filled, adventurous morning! :)

on our trek through the 'jungle'

It's kind of tricky getting 4 kids under 4 to all be looking and to not have one random silly face!

sometimes you just have to let them get the sillies out :)