
Welcome to our blog...devoted to YOU, our clients! We are so thrilled you stopped by...please come back often! This is where you will hear what we have been up to, what current specials are being run, and where we will showcase recent sessions & favorite images. Don't be afraid to leave comments, too!
Thanks, Sherilyn & Kristine

July 29, 2010

another new one

We've known 'P' for some time now from our twins group- her twin boys are just a few months younger than our twins. Well 'P' and her hubby 'J' just recently had another litttle munchkin. He was a little older than our 'normal' newborns and he DID NOT want to go to sleep. He was really fighting it. Many of the pics from the beginning of the sesssion were of little 'D' wide awake and/or crying. He was really content once we got him on his belly on mom's arm:

After many pics, a couple of bottles and some pee on mom & dad :),

'D' finally gave in and fell sleep!

You can tell big brothers 'J&E' are so in love with their new little brother.

'D' is so lucky to have not one, but 2 big brothers to grow up with!

and because 'J&E' are about to turn 5, we took a few of just the 2 of them.

We hope you have a very Happy 5th Birthday boys! :)

July 7, 2010

Big and Strong

'A' is only 3 months old, but he is so big and such a strong boy! He wasn't so sure about us at first and just kept looking like 'what in the world is that thing pointing at me', but mom & dad stayed nearby to help get his attention. Dad had the magic touch- he would just touch 'A' on the cheek and a big smile would appear! :)