Really? Middle of December and it's 80 something degrees? But they're Christmas pictures... you HAVE to dress like it's cooler than that! And 'T' was one cool little man! :) Nothing like following around a 2yo boy and getting sweaty & dirty! He was all about exploring, chasing his balls & throwing acorns at us! Never knew photography would be so extreme & dangerous. :) Thanks, 'T&T' for coming out- it was nice to meet you guys! Enjoy your sneaks!
He had to check the place out- he loved the grills... yep, he's a boy :)
It took a little bribery to keep his mind off taking off the hat,
but well worth it- the hat was so dang cute!
LOVE his little tongue licking his lips... he was even nice enough to share & let us have a lick! He had to kiss up for throwing the acorns :)