
Welcome to our blog...devoted to YOU, our clients! We are so thrilled you stopped by...please come back often! This is where you will hear what we have been up to, what current specials are being run, and where we will showcase recent sessions & favorite images. Don't be afraid to leave comments, too!
Thanks, Sherilyn & Kristine

June 28, 2010

Time for Two

Newborn sessions already take a lot longer than regular sessions, but then add in another baby- trying to get TWO babies full, happy and hopefully sleeping... could take all day, right? Well, not all day, but patience must be in place! :) 'Z&G' took a little bit of time, but when they're this cute, you just don't mind spending the time with them!

They started out wide awake like this:

Then 'Z' decided to fall asleep:

While taking pics of his brother, 'G' decided he could use some sleep too:

And eventually, they both decided it was ok to sleep at the same time.
THIS is why the patience pays off!

Congrats on your absolutely handsome little men, 'L'. It was a pleasure to meet you and them!

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