
Welcome to our blog...devoted to YOU, our clients! We are so thrilled you stopped by...please come back often! This is where you will hear what we have been up to, what current specials are being run, and where we will showcase recent sessions & favorite images. Don't be afraid to leave comments, too!
Thanks, Sherilyn & Kristine

September 23, 2010

Session Special

Looking for a unique Holiday gift? 
Know that you will want pics done at some point next year?

We are working on a new website which we will hopefully be premiering at the beginning of next year.  Along with it, we will be making some changes to our session fee prices. 
Here's where the special comes in...

*Pay for a session by the end of 2010, use it anytime before Sept 2011, all at our current session prices.

And it gets even better...
*Refer 2 new clients to us, who can get the same deal, and you get your session 50% off when they purchase theirs!
*Refer 4 new clients and you get your session FREE!!!
(amount can also be applied to print purchase if you choose)

SO- don't wait! Contact us now!

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